Beyond Quantum Healing
.Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) is defined as consciousness exploration for spiritual growth and self-healing. It is created by Candace Craw-Goldman, as well as quantumhealers.com, which Sonya is also a member. It is a Heart focused and energy focused method of healing, loosely based on a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique structure. It is actually inspired by a quote from QHHT creator, Dolores Cannon, and is shared by Candace, where Dolores encourages her students to take the work of quantum “beyond” what even she as a teacher would have considered.
BQH focuses upon energy, intuition, intention and heart over mechanics, procedures and strict rules. It is the ONLY method in use by healers today that we are aware of that says you can make this practice your own! The only rule is to keep the health and well-being of the client in mind at all times. BQH was created from the ground up for beginners but is also greatly appreciated by experienced healers looking for complete flexibility and creativity. Sonya is certified through Candace to practice BQH.
Here are some examples of what people want to heal~
The Inner Child, childhood trauma, sexual wounds, sexual abuse, addictions, repeating negative patterns, weight gain/loss issues, nutritional deficiencies, digestive issues, needing a healthier diet, disease in the body, emotional trauma, mental trauma, parallel lives (past lives), ancestral lineage, clogged/blocked Chakras, physical blocks, what is your best diet now, activate the psychic senses. What is the best job for me, the best location to live, will I make more money, when and how.
People want to talk with loved ones in the Spirit World who have died, and pets who have crossed over. They want to know who their Higher Self, the Over Soul, Spirit Guides and Angels are. They want to know where they really come from, feeling Earth is not their home. They feel they're from another planet, another Star System, another dimension They know they speak and/or write Light Language, and want to activate it. They want to know who their Soul Family is.
The most common question for a session is~What Is My Life Purpose? We find out in your BQH sessions.
Quantum Healing clients have healed some of these health issues through their sessions:
Heart Disease
Diabetes-All types
All Cancers in all stages
Intestinal issues
Cartilage repaired
Bones healing
Vision/Hearing fully restored
Skin problems
Lung issues
Back problems
Neck/Shoulder issues
Liver diseases healed
Kidney issues healed
Open skin wounds being completely healed
Viruses completely healed
Migraines healed and causes explained